
Our Dojang has many events. This page is constantly updated to give you the info you need:

Welcome to the new The One Mountain Kim website! You can find all sorts of information here. As time goes on, this website will continue to grow. Stay with us as we work to teach everyone Taekwondo.

Before / A+ After School Program


The 2023-2024 school year has begun, and our Before/After School Program is also open! Register as soon as possible for this incredible program. There will be benefits for both you and your children. Do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity.

Belt Promotion Test!

The next group belt test will be held on August 25th. Registration is now open to those who wish to participate and test their skills for their next belt.



  hours  minutes  seconds


Belt Test Begins

The 66th Mountain Kim Competition

The 66th Mountain Kim Competition is just around the corner on October 21st! Registration is now open at our Dojang. If you are interested in competing, talk to our front desk for more information.

You must have a rank of white belt or above to compete.




  hours  minutes  seconds


The Competition Begins